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Three NWU Students Win Boren 奖学金 to Study Critical Languages

Three NWU Students Win Boren 奖学金 to Study Critical Languages

  • 维多利亚Rosenboom
    维多利亚Rosenboom will spend the next year in Tanzania where she will study Swahili.
  • 迈克尔·萨瑟兰
  • Amirah Ali-Dinar
    Amirah Ali-Dinar will spend the next year in Jordan where she will study Arabic.
  • 维多利亚Rosenboom
    维多利亚Rosenboom will spend the next year in Tanzania where she will study Swahili.
  • 迈克尔·萨瑟兰
  • Amirah Ali-Dinar
    Amirah Ali-Dinar will spend the next year in Jordan where she will study Arabic.

Three 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 students have each been awarded the prestigious Boren Scholarship, which will send them abroad for one year to develop language skills.

Amirah Ali-Dinar, a University College student from Encino, Calif. 谁在学习刑事司法, 维多利亚Rosenboom, a political science and mathematics major from Ashland and 迈克尔·萨瑟兰, a senior political science major from Omaha are among 165 students from across the country selected for the scholarship.

博仁奖学金为美国学生提供奖学金.S. undergraduate and graduate students with resources and encouragement to acquire language skills and experiences in countries critical to the future of security and stability in the U.S. 获奖者将获得2万美元奖金.

Ali-Dinar is NWU’s first adult student enrolled in the new criminal justice program to receive a Boren Scholarship. She will spend the next year in Jordan where she will study Arabic.

“The Boren Scholarship offered an opportunity to serve our nation’s security by educating ourselves on different cultures in efforts to effectively communicate with other nations,” said Ali-Dinar whose family has direct ties to Darfur and the Middle East. “我生来就是做这个的.”

她在约旦待了一年, she will pursue a master’s degree in Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Maryland and plans to pursue a career as an intelligence analyst.

Rosenboom will spend the next year in Tanzania where she will study Swahili. During her junior year, Rosenboom spent a semester in Ghana and a semester in Washington, D.C. Those experiences piqued her interest in education policy in African countries.

“I hope to intern with an organization that works with public policy or politics so that I can build policy-specialized linguistic skills,”她说。. “在这段经历结束时, I hope to make progress towards effectively understanding public policy and mass media messages in Tanzania.”

Sutherland will return to China where he studied last summer as a Critical Language Scholar. 这次他将学习普通话. While enrolled in the Critical Language Scholarship Program he spoke Chinese exclusively for two months and that experience interested him in more intensive language-learning opportunities.

“I realized I want to spend the next few years really digging into learning Chinese and perfecting my language skills,” said Sutherland who has also studied abroad in Hong Kong. He plans to pursue a career in international development.

Nineteen 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 students have won Boren scholarships. 近900名学生在美国学习.S. 申请今年的荣誉.